Nikoma and I got an email this morning with the subject “Loving these photos SO MUCH” from a client who received her book about a week ago. I was so moved that I asked to share her email and a few photos from her shoot. Thanks Ms T for letting us!
I love these photos so much, you have no possible idea. It’s been wonderful. Beyond wonderful. When I decided to do this, I knew I was feeling super down and that I wanted to try to do something to help me feel better about myself and my body. I mean, I’ve never really felt like I was capable of being sexy before. Certainly never as a guy, and I hadn’t gotten there before since my transition — I was feeling awkward about looking trans, about the weight, and so on. And now, between working out steadily for the past two months improving my conditioning and having the chance to see myself as beautiful like this, even though not much has changed about how I look, *everything* has changed about how I feel about it. I mean, I’m still a 400 pound trans woman, but I feel like the hottest goddamn 400 pound trans woman to ever walk the earth.
I took the book in to show my therapist, and ended up showing the other women in her office who I know too, including my previous therapist, who remembers me as this super-withdrawn lump on her couch from a while before I started transitioning. I’ve also shown it to a couple of other people like my apartment complex manager, who has enough of a daring streak that I knew she’d appreciate it. And I’ve shared a few of them with a close online friend or two. Everyone was completely blown away, it was great!
I, um, may or may not also have shared a couple of pics with a guy or two. And it’s awesome the reactions I get. I’m having so much fun with life right now, and I’ve started going on dates. And when I do, I’m honest to God feeling like a sex kitten! :3
So whenever you recall the good things that have come from your work, I hope you’ll think about how happy I am and how much better I’m doing.