Pink Umbrella and Retro Clothing, Pin Up Style!

I love pin up style photography, so when Ms K came to me with the intention of a fully pin up shoot — I was super excited! I am also thrilled she has let me share her beautiful, fun retro photos with you. She bought a lot of her clothing online from and some of it was from our studio closet. The key to selecting pin up clothing is a high waist, garter belts and thigh highs, and fun dresses. I hope to get more and more opportunities to shoot pin up in the futrure!

0001seattle pinup photography studio(pp w768 h511) Pink Umbrella and Retro Clothing, Pin Up Style! Pink Umbrella and Retro Clothing, Pin Up Style! 


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Our 2500+ sq ft studio is located in the heart of Ballard in Seattle.

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