Boudoir & The Bath Tub

There are several different directions we can go when using the bath tub in the studio. I’ve included all of your options below so you can start deciding which direction you want to go for your bath time photos!

Dry or Wet

Do you want to use the bath tub just as a setting but not actually fill it with water? Or do you want to fill it with water and get photos soaking in the tub? Obviously, you’ll get wet with the 2nd choice, so bring a towel and a plastic bag to put your wet items into afterwards.

903 1024x683(pp w768 h512) Boudoir & The Bath Tub

Clothing or No Clothing

Do you want to wear clothing (such as a tank top, lace robe, nighty, or even a towel) in the tub or do you want to do the photos without clothing? If you want to wear clothing, keep the following in mind:

– Our delicate lace/lingerie items can not be used in the tub, so bring your own with you. Here are some popular items that be purchased on amazon: lace dress, lace robe, and lace teddy.

– None of our clothing can be used with flowers (flowers will often dye/stain the clothing and thus damage our items), so if you want to wear clothing and accessorize with flowers, bring your own with you.

 Boudoir & The Bath Tub


Do want to fill the bath with flowers or flower petals? Bring your preference of fresh flowers with you. Don’t bring fake or dry flowers (fake flowers sink and dry flowers turn brown and icky). If you like the look of the rose petals below, bring a couple dozen roses and we will break them right up into the tub – easy peasy!

Milk Bath

We have a bag of dry milk in the studio and we can mix it into the water. You can pair the milk bath with fresh flowers. Same as above, bring the fresh flowers you want to use with you.


Bring a bottle of bubble bath with you and we can get some suds. Our tub has low water pressure, so we can’t get mile high bubbles, but a little bit goes a long way to creating alluring images.

Faux Shower

Skip the tub for our shower set. It’s simply a plexi glas sheet we spray with water droplets. You can opt for a wet tshirt look or no clothing.

Below is a behind-the-scenes glimpse of the setup used to create the image above.


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Our 2500+ sq ft studio is located in the heart of Ballard in Seattle.

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